Sunday, 8 June 2014

Piggie Pays For My Attention...ALWAYS!

My regular piggy called Me last night. He calls Me about once or twice a week, because the only way he can get female attention is to pay for it. He has the tiniest dick, which at the best of times, doesn't work and he's still a virgin, living at home with Mummy at the age of 27. Yes, I'd say that's pretty damn pathetic.

I take great pleasure in reminding him that the ONLY reason I'm talking to him is because he's paying Me. I don't want him to delude himself for a second that I'm actually interested in him. I mean he has very little going for him. In a normal situation, I wouldn't even piss on him if he was on fire. But the fact that he's emptying his wallet means he gets My attention.

That's not to say that I don't milk it for all it's worth. Of course that's My right. I tell him over and over again about the lovely things I've treated Myself to with his cash. How men have been on dates with Me, and have seen the gorgeous outfits he has bought for Me. He had the cheek to ask Me for a picture other day. I told him that I take, not give.

He's not allowed to finish the call until I say so. I made that very clear from the beginning. I call the shots and take the cash - he just spunks it away if and when I let him. I LOVE to watch the £££ pile up, reminding him every so often how much he has spent with Me and reminding him that it's not enough. You see I'm greedy when it comes to piggies, especially pathetic virgin piggies. He just feeds My greed. He also knows that when the money runs out - so does My attention. He's a means to an end - nothing more. And I constantly remind him of this.

Sometimes, when I can't be bothered to actually speak to him, I'll tell him this. But I'll still keep him on the line. He doesn't have choice - he has to stay on the line for as long as I want. So I'll go about My day - I might be watching TV, doing some housework, or even giving attention to more worthy slave on webcam. But still he has to pay and expect nothing in return. That's the role of piggies!

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